Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lazy Saturday mornings

This morning I was gently roused from slumber at 7am by the sweet, peaceful sound of...

...Workers constructing these bounce houses!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

It appears to be a birthday party and I'm happy the kids are having so much fun, but does it have to be at 7-freaking-AM on a Saturday??? :( So much for sleeping in.

I guess it's time for breakfast. Maybe food will improve my mood!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Single "Parenting"

I am yet again amazed and impressed by all those who are single parents. This past Saturday and Sunday I got to keep all 4 of Ben & Claire's children while they went to Vegas for the weekend. We had a great time! I took my camera to capture the precious moments, but never had a free hand! It was an all-consuming event. I'm such a paranoid sleeper that I woke every time Charlie's breathing pattern changed!! :p Gotta love the baby monitor!

We had a picnic lunch Sunday afternoon. It was great to get out of the house, but it's quite the production packing lunches, toys, blankets, and all the baby paraphernalia.

I look forward to future engagements, but I definitely know my limitations. I think 48 hours will be the max before calling in reinforcements! :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I went to the dentist to have a root canal completed... OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!! It hurts worse now than it did before the procedure. I have prescription painkillers, but they aren't working. They just make me loopy and nauseous. I sound like a commercial, but I'm all about the Advil! The liquid-gel are the BEST! It doesn't make the pain go away completely, but it subsides enough that I can ignore it and get some sleep at night. Chewing on ice chips has also helped to reduce the swelling.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Joys of unemployment

A nice side benefit to being unemployed: lots of free time to babysit and help Claire out with the kids. I loaded some pics into my photo albums (link on the left, Spring Days album) of Olivia and Sam in the park. Claire took Charlie to the doctor's office and I kept them for a few hours. My favorite one is where they discover a spider making a web on the corner of the table. :)

I will be contributing regularly to the Spring Days photo album throughout the season, so check back occasionally for new pics.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

North Mountain

Last Sunday I joined other Trinity members and went hiking on North Mountain. The view of the city is spectacular!

The moon wasn't full until Monday, but it looked pretty awesome anyway.

I love the way the city blushes at sunset.