Friday, May 18, 2007


Only 13 more days to go until I fly to Indy for Joel's graduation and a few days of family camping. I can't believe it's been a year since I left. Time sure flies by when you're having fun! I'm so looking forward to seeing my family and friends in Indiana.

Having experienced the full 12-month cycle of Phoenix life, I can say with absolute certainty: Honey, I'm home!! Life here is absolutely amazing. The weather is wonderful. No snow, not much rain, no tornadoes... it's great. There is something fun and exciting happening every day (even if I can't participate each day!!) and boredom is a rarity. We have athletic events, musical venues, ministry opportunities, artistic programs, mountains for hiking and/or climbing, lakes for aquatic activities... the list goes on and on. And let's not forget the most important thing: friends with whom to enjoy all these things. I am so blessed and I just wanted to share my heart. Thank you to everyone I have met since I moved. Thank you for making me a part of your lives. I am so thrilled to know you. You have made my life richer by being in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for you and Deb to arrive - wish Michael could also come for the camping trip. Joel is in Chicago with the Art Club this weekend... Abner is moping around the house, poor doggy.